Welcome to Mambalsa

...the New, Fun, Alternative Partner Dance.
How new?
It's so new it hasn't even launched yet!
This is your chance to be in right at the beginning of something new and exciting :-)

...find out more

Mambalsa - f.a.q.

dance Mambalsa
Mambalsa is a fun, new partner dance that is being introduced in 2015.
The Frequently asked questions below are the most often asked, but if I've missed one just click contact and email me.
Mambalsa looks like a traditional partner dance. Because it's drawn from many of the elegant Latin dances of the twentieth century, including Bolero, Salsa and Mambo. It has inherited many things that make it look smooth and stylish and fun, in particular the 'partner hold' and a 'mirrored' footwork sequence.
I'm going to be upload many videos of Mambalsa soon so what this space!
Video and Pictures
Yes, in several ways Mambalsa is an easy dance to learn:
The rules that define the dance are very clear.
It's expressive so you can be you which is much easier than trying to be someone else.
It's not choreography based which means once you have the fundamental elements you can create thousands of moves without having to learn hundreds.
Of course there is plenty to learn and practice, but because we have an ethos of fun you'll enjoy the journey.
Mambalsa has an ethos of fun. That means we seek out the fun in every aspect of the dance.
We deliberately put fun on the agenda because learning is easy and faster when you're having fun.
Mambalsa isn't a dance you learn and then have fun. With Mambalsa the learning is fun.
Not only does fun make humans learn faster, but humans stick at things when they're enjoying them.
I also want to create a dance movement where people are enjoying themselves and showing it. Frowns, fake smiles or expressions of sucking wasps simply don't do it for me.
I believe that the the world becomes a better place with fun, and that makes it a worthwhile goal.
For Non dancers Mambalsa it the alternative to watching everyone else!
Dancers who dance something else, they seldom enjoy dancing their dance to other music eg tango salsa dancers don't like dancing salsa to rock 'n roll.
They can use Mambalsa as an alternative dance, their back up plan, one they can use to dance to any other music. Mambalsa becomes a common language or the dance floor where jivers can dance with salsa dancers to a pop song.
Mambalsa's advantage is that it's not connected to any musical genre is a fantastic common denominator.
The 'B' in Mambalsa comes from Bolero as does the dance.
Slow sensual understated and intense, I consider Cuban Bolero to be a key root of many of the worlds partner dances.
Mambo (Cuban) 1940's from the Mambo we have the power house of Mambalsa. It gives us energy and fun.
The 'alsa' as in Salsa, the world's most popular partner dance, transending regions with it's sassy elegant style.

History... So often we try to understand dance by analyzing the elements. This is fair but it does miss an important perspective, synergy.
Mambalsa is not just a mixture of elements. They come together and form something new and different.
Mambalsa is about us not our predecessors. It expresses who we are and will go where we're going. In other words, Mambalsa is a dance moving forward.
Me! Not a big company, or cultural movement but me Alastair John Sadler born 1965 in the UK.
I've been teaching salsa since 1995. I've watched it rise and peak and I've seen it change.
It's taken me years to find out the essence of what I love about salsa.
It's the people. I see people at their best, enjoying themselves in a social situation.

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Project Mambalsa - f.a.q.

Project Mambalsa
Project Mambalsa The Mambalsa project is the way for everyone and anyone to get involved. It’s how we stay in touch and up to date. It’s how we celebrate our successes and acknowledge our failures.
Whether you want to get active or stay on the edge and listen in it's totally up to you. You will be most welcome.
All I ask is that you join us in the 'Crowd in the Cloud' click to join
P2 Mambalsa looks like a traditional partner dance. Because it's drawn from many of the elegant Latin dances of the twentieth century, including Bolero, Salsa and Mambo. It has inherited many things that make it look smooth and stylish and fun, in particular the 'partner hold' and a 'mirrored' footwork sequence.
I'm going to be upload many videos of Mambalsa soon so what this space!
Video and Pictures
Yes, in several ways Mambalsa is an easy dance to learn:
The rules that define the dance are very clear.
It's expressive so you can be you which is much easier than trying to be someone else.
It's not choreography based which means once you have the fundamental elements you can create thousands of moves without having to learn hundreds.
Of course there is plenty to learn and practice, but because we have an ethos of fun you'll enjoy the journey.
Mambalsa has an ethos of fun. That means we seek out the fun in every aspect of the dance.
We deliberately put fun on the agenda because learning is easy and faster when you're having fun.
Mambalsa isn't a dance you learn and then have fun. With Mambalsa the learning is fun.
Not only does fun make humans learn faster, but humans stick at things when they're enjoying them.
I also want to create a dance movement where people are enjoying themselves and showing it. Frowns, fake smiles or expressions of sucking wasps simply don't do it for me.
I believe that the the world becomes a better place with fun, and that makes it a worthwhile goal.
For Non dancers Mambalsa it the alternative to watching everyone else!
Dancers who dance something else, they seldom enjoy dancing their dance to other music eg tango salsa dancers don't like dancing salsa to rock 'n roll.
They can use Mambalsa as an alternative dance, their back up plan, one they can use to dance to any other music. Mambalsa becomes a common language or the dance floor where jivers can dance with salsa dancers to a pop song.
Mambalsa's advantage is that it's not connected to any musical genre is a fantastic common denominator.
The 'B' in Mambalsa comes from Bolero as does the dance.
Slow sensual understated and intense, I consider Cuban Bolero to be a key root of many of the worlds partner dances.
Mambo (Cuban) 1940's from the Mambo we have the power house of Mambalsa. It gives us energy and fun.
The 'alsa' as in Salsa, the world's most popular partner dance, transending regions with it's sassy elegant style.

History... So often we try to understand dance by analyzing the elements. This is fair but it does miss an important perspective, synergy.
Mambalsa is not just a mixture of elements. They come together and form something new and different.
Mambalsa is about us not our predecessors. It expresses who we are and will go where we're going. In other words, Mambalsa is a dance moving forward.
Me! Not a big company, or cultural movement but me Alastair John Sadler born 1965 in the UK.
I've been teaching salsa since 1995. I've watched it rise and peak and I've seen it change.
It's taken me years to find out the essence of what I love about salsa.
It's the people. I see people at their best, enjoying themselves in a social situation.

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Mambalsa - more infomation

Lorem IpsumI want to be first to ask you to join the project.
There’s no cost and no commitment. It’s just a list of people who are interested Mambalsa. There’s a link on every page

about the dance

how it looks, it’s origins and structure ....

about the project

how I am launching Mambalsa and how you can get involved ....

news and events

what's happening and what's happend in the Mambalsa world

contact us

email, phone, everything we need to stay in touch


download our one page guide to read offline

video and images

Video clips of Mambalsa in action


Molestie Lorem Avenue,

Tel: (+20) 21 301 524
